Wednesday, 11 January 2017

The Best Environmental Graphic Design

I have been working with various nonprofits for the past few months or so, and have grown accustomed to the rigorous travelling regimes that come along with them, so much so that after a while it became a habit.
In recent years I decided to head to India and Cambodia to work with a couple of non-profits. While we talked about renewable energy and other ways through which the environment could benefit, I noticed that there was a very serious issue of pollution in both the countries, and there were no programs which were   raising awareness for this cause and hence I decided it would be beneficial if we could do something along those lines.

After I returned home I decided to ponder the number of different choices that I had and how I could solve this problem.  It was by mere chance that I saw a recycling billboard while I was walking down the streets of my hometown, I found it to be extremely pleasing and upon further inquiry I was told it was made by a company called Visual Communications.  I proceeded to hire them and boy did they do a fantastic job.

This time around when I visited India I noticed that our audience was much more engaged due to the pictures and the videos of the Environmental Signage, there was a better understanding amongst our targeted audience and they seemed to be interested in the words and the pictorials that we were showing.

If you ever need a logo or a sign don’t hesitate to contact these guys as they are absolutely brilliant at what they do.

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